Mindful Loving: A Roadmap to Loving with Passion and Purpose

Mindful Loving: A Roadmap to Loving with Passion and Purpose

By Diana Baysinger

What is your relationship story today? Is it a story of connection and intimacy or disconnection and distraction? As you are spending more time together during the global pandemic, have you created a roadmap to maintain connection during these turbulent times or are you saying such things as, “We aren’t communicating, or laughing and having fun like we used to?”

These comments are common to couples who are faced with working from home, supporting children with homeschooling and staying in contact with family and friends for their own support. Mindful loving helps couples create a roadmap to stay connected.

If you desire to stay connected and maintain intimacy here are 4 tools to help you design your mindful loving roadmap.

  • Be Present and Prioritize Your Mindful Loving Relationship
  • Identify Your Own Passion
  • Identify Your Own Purpose
  • Identify the Passion and Purpose in Your Mindful Loving Relationship

Practice: Be Present and Prioritize Your Mindful Loving Relationship.                     

Being present and prioritizing your relationship is a simple tool, and yet, it is not always easy to practice consistently. Today, you are being challenged by many distractions and stimulations. The following exercise will help you map out the first signpost for your mindful loving roadmap.

  1. Schedule uninterrupted time for the practice.
  2. Turn off cell phones or other distractions.
  3. Reflect on the following questions and share the results with each other.
  4. Think about the last 24hrs and share one thing you appreciated about your partner.
  5. Share ideas about what is working in the relationship that keeps you feeling connected.
  6. Share ideas that you could do to increase connection and intimacy.

Practice: Identify Your Own Passion.

Passion comes from the core of who you are. It comes from your strengths, your life experiences and those activities that bring you fulfillment and joy. When you experience passion within yourself, you are better able to create that passion in your love relationship.

  1. Schedule uninterrupted time for the practice.
  2. Turn off cell phones or other distractions.
  3. Reflect on the following questions and share the results with each other.
  4. Think about your core strengths today.
  5. Think about the activities and experiences you have had in your life that helped you develop these core strengths?
  6. How do your activities and experiences today fulfill your passion?

  Practice: Identify Your Own Purpose.

Purpose comes from your reason for living and loving. It defines the way you live your life and why you live that life the way you do. Thinking about your purpose is a meaningful practice that helps you stay on track in your life and in your relationships.

  1. Schedule uninterrupted time for the practice.
  2. Turn off cell phones or other distractions.
  3. Reflect on the following and share your thoughts with each other.
  4. Think about times when you feel most fulfilled, happy, and at peace?
  5. Think about what you stand for and what you stand against?
  6. How do your activities and experiences today fulfill your passion?  

Practice:  Identify the Passion and Purpose in your Mindful Loving Relationship        

  1. Schedule uninterrupted time for the practice.
  2. Turn off cell phones or other distractions.
  3. Reflect on the following and share your thoughts with each other.
  4. What are the core strengths of our relationship?
  5. What is our vision for our relationship?
  6. Create a list of three things you will do to keep passion and purpose alive in your relationship today.

Once you have shared the results of these practices use the following model to create your own mindful loving roadmap and enjoy your relationship journey.


Guidelines: Ways of Behaving

  • We prioritize our relationship every day.
  • We stay open and honest with each other.
  • Stick to our plan and make it happen.

Mission Statement: Ways of Believing

  • We have what it takes to have everything we want in our life together.

Top Ten 2020 Goals for Our Mindful Loving Relationship

  1. Use 4 times a day to connect: waking up, leaving the home, returning home, going to bed.
  2. Schedule a date for fun once a week.
  3. Have three or more meals a week at the table.
  4. Take a mindful loving relationship vacation.
  5. Schedule monthly meetings to discuss progress on monthly goals and set next month’s goals.
  6. Remodel the kitchen.
  7. Secure lawyer to set up wills.
  8. Visit families.
  9. Volunteer together 2 or more times.
  10. Update the family photo album and keep it current.
 Call to action:

Contact Diana for a complimentary ½ hr consultation: diana.baysinger@gmail.com

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindfullovingbook/

View our homepage:  https://mindfullovingbook.com/

Order our book: Mindful Loving: A Guide to Loving with Passion and Purpose: https://www.balboapress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/475794-mindful-loving


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